Jacket or Wing(Backplate) BCD. Which should I choose.

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Jacket or Wing(Backplate) BCD. Which should I choose.


posted at 2017-10-22


Greetings Everyone,

Today, lets talk about BCDs. There are basicly two types of BCD in the market right now, They are the Jacket or Wing type BCD.

We will check out jecket BCDs today and leave Wing type BCD for next day.

Jecket BCD:

The most common type of BCD. They comes in all shapes and sizes.

For a standard jacket-style BCD, the shape of the bladder inside means air migrates around the waist and up to the chest.

Only little or no air on your back. This allows you to stay comfortably vertical when on the surfaces.

However, when underwater, the movement of air inside can make it more difficult to achieve an even horizontal position.

Even when neutrally buoyant, many divers may be in leg down position. This is not as streamlined as the prone position.

Getting the wrong size can also make buoyancy control more difficult, especially if your BCD that is too big for you.

The air can move around more, which can make the unit feel unstable.

Jacket BCDs usually have large pockets, which come in handy for carrying things like torches and SMBs.

But these can sometime be difficult to access when you’re fully inflated on the surface.

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